—  About

Sungyoon Choi is an illustrator, comic book artist and co-author of Korean American cooking comics

I was born in Seoul, Korea. I spent my childhood years reading monthly comic magazine ‘보물섬 (Bo-mul-sum: Treasure Island) and 어깨동무( eo-kae-dong-mu) and adolescent years reading 르네상스 (Renaissance), an all women artist comic magazine. I was a huge fan of 황미나 (Hwang Mina). She was the artist who could write and illustrate vast ranges of genre from sci fi fantasy to historical fiction for varying audience from to adults. I wanted to be an artist just like her. 

Year 2002, I came to New York City to study at School of Visual Arts. There I was very fortunate to meet great teachers and colleagues leading me towards opportunities to participate in a comic anthology, Rabid Rabbit, and editorial illustration assignments for the NY Times and storyboard projects for advertisement campaigns. Year 2006, more luck brought me my first graphic novel memoir project with author Alissa Torres, American Widow (2008, Villard). Followed by wonderful book project opportunities with Mission in a bottle (2015, Crown Business ) by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff and Still if Las Vegas (2015, st. Martin’s press) by author James Sie. 

In 2014, I became the co-author for the ‘Korean American cooking comics’ with my partner Eric Watkins. The first book of the series ‘Korean American Everyday Cooking’ made a debut at Mocca Comics Festival in New York.

The same year we moved to Los Angeles for new opportunities. 

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Booking + Press

—  Representation



Djinn Webber, NYC
+1 212 555 1234


Agent d'Artiste
Renée Carrénard, Paris
+33 (0) 55 5555 0678


Nameless Rep
Gordon Fan, Hong Kong
+852 1234 5678



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